Friday, May 17, 2024

Home is a horse stud

 The Courtyard is a bit posh. The first hint was rather grand but locked gates, and repeated references to a ‘stud’. But what sort? Cows, horses? And there were rolling well manicured estate-like lawns. It was all looking very much like a ‘real’ estate.

In the foyer were images of the Hunt, and the breakfast mats all had finely-bred horses on them.

It was, or is, a horse stud, racehorses mostly according to the photographs in the rather nice Library, under a dome. Jolly nice views of the Bride River valley from up there. And I wonder if our accommodation is either an old stable block or merely old servant quarters. Anyway it is frightfully tasteful and Kelly has the bedroom featured on the advertising. Mine is a little less spacious, but does have a view into the eponymous courtyard.

I will try to get pictures of ponies tomorrow, but we are not here long to enjoy such welcome refinement. Hugo and the team have been run off their feet due to the Bruce Springsteen concert in Cork. Even Ciaran our Dublin tour guide had a story about Bruce buying fish and chips from a well known outlet. I went there myself, but it was to only to get directions to the National Archives.

An early morning walk did find me mares and foals, very large rhododendron trees and general state of estate-ness.

I spotted the master out walking his Irish setter but it was best I not be spotted in case I was where I was not supposed to be. Left my novel amongst the Esquire, Tattler, and horse breeding titles provided for our reading pleasure. It will probably be thrown out.

And finally a wee little stone foal:

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